
Pierre Sahores yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sat, 25 May 2002 10:05:45 +0200

Alex Nonnemacher a =E9crit :
> =

> Does anyone know what the Darwin command equivalent of "shutdown now" i=
> to enter single user mode? I use that to run fsck on OS X, but that
> doesn't seem to work in Linux.
> =

> alex
> =

> _______________________________________________
> yellowdog-newbie mailing list
> yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
> http://lists.terrasoftsolutions.com/mailman/listinfo/yellowdog-newbie

Use "shutdown -h now" to shutdown the box and "shutdown -r now" to
reboot it.

-- =

Pierre Sahores

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