YDL 2.3 on a PowerMac 8600 ...

Chuck Coleman yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri, 15 Nov 2002 11:32:23 -0800

on 11/15/02 10:06 AM, Rama, Subu at srama@northropgrumman.com wrote:

> BTW, I have a 8600/300.
> Thank you for all your responses. I will try reinstalling YDL 2.3 as Marc
> suggested doing and if it doesn't work will go for YDL 2.2
> Subu

There are some differences to the 8600/300 and the 9600/300 and 350 that
will not allow the daughter card to be used in any other machine. This might
be the difference between the 2.3 working on an 8600 and not on others.

I have several 8600/300 daughter cards and can't sell them because they just
won't work in any other machines. And if you already have a 300 card you
don't need mine......

Chuck Coleman
Put an end to bad service