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Thu, 17 Oct 2002 07:24:04 EDT

Well, virus protection is only so effective, and it can hinder certain 
operations.  using common-sense online(not downloading suspicious files, 
turning off unnecessary scripting options, etc.) goes a lot farther than 
outdated security programs.  Virus warnings are an effective means of 
protection- whether you use software detection or not.
Virus warnings are viruses too?  Interesting... we seem to be breaking new 
ground on the semantics of "virus," so I'll add my own to the list.  
I'd like to warn everybody about "Bad Advice" viruses. They propagate through 
mailing lists and attempt to infect the actual recipients, rather than their 
computers.  Infected users often spread misinformation or obnoxious opinions 
when under control of these viruses.  Their most disturbing trait lies in 
their remarkeable ability to adapt to different communication mediums, online 
or otherwise; Bad-Advice can manifest itself in telephone conversations, 
television broadcasts, and even one-on-one conversations between two people 
in the same room.
Bad-Advice viruses cannot be detected by any security software as of now.  
Fortunately, most human cognitive devices are sophisticated enough to prevent 
infection through filtering algorithms that allow a user to "brush off" or 
"tune out" messages that spread these nasty bits of code.  As some dead white 
guy once put it: "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
Fixing the damage 'after-the-fact' is a different matter, and it almost 
always involves purging 'short-term' memory before the virus can take control 
of its host.  For this I recommend a suite of "alcoholic beverages," 
available at most convenience stores(pass up the aluminum cans for the larger 
glass bottles- remember, "less is more!")  These 'memory purging devices' are 
the second-most effective means of combatting 'bad-advice' infections(I 
myself prefer mixing Jack-Daniels and Bacardi, but you can take it straight 
from the bottle if you so wish.)  No rocket science here folks, just have a 
pillow handy and drink to your heart's content(try to pass out 'face-down' if 
you can.)  It also helps to leave a little note behind so you'll know *why* 
you don't remember anything from the night before- and don't let the puke 
scare you!
Good luck, and try to wake up naked in a tree.