Out of memory running IBM JavaVM 1.3.1

Ryan Spaulding yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue, 22 Oct 2002 17:17:54 +0000

I'm not sure how you do it but I don't think you need to do a whole 
reinstall to increase swap space. I think you can just creat more somewhere 
on your drive. I would read up on Mount and swap before going through the 
whole process of a reinstall.


>From: "Stephen Luce" <sluce@coware.com>
>Reply-To: yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
>To: <yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com>
>Subject: Out of memory running IBM JavaVM 1.3.1
>Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 16:36:34 -0700
>I am running a text mode (Non X) YDL 2.3 on an 8500 with 80mb ram and a
>128mb swap partition.
>When I try to launch java I get an out of memory error.  I'm not trying
>to launch any Java classes.  Just the java VM.  I'm expecting the java
>usage message.
>Should I try using the Blackdown.org java?
>Or should I try creating a larger swap partition?  Increasing the size
>of my swap partition will require a full reinstall.
>Will either of these work?

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