YDL 2.3 installation woes

Dennis Fazio yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri, 13 Sep 2002 11:24:32 -0500

--On Friday, September 13, 2002 00:29 -0400 Bruce Wehr <bruce@wehrhere.com> 

> Well, I'm running Jaguar now.  I re-downladed the dayton ISO disc image
> from YDL using the shell's ftp (with which I'm a lot more familiar), and
> used Jaguar's native Disk Copy to burn the CD.  Everything seemded to go
> perfectly.  However, my hopes that I finally had the problem licked were
> dashed when I was greeted, once again, by nothing but a blank screen.

I had similar difficulties a while back mostly due to bad downloads.
Make sure you have a good disk image. Check the size first of all, and I 
think you can double-click open it and see files and folders inside.

Here's what worked for me on a PowerBook G4 with a combo drive. Should be 
the same on any system with a CD recorder built in.

Under Mac OS X:
1. Download image file dayton-2.3-20020704-install.iso which has 
677,478,400 bytes.
2. Launch Disk Copy
3. Choose "Burn Image" from the Image menu and select the downloaded image 
file in the open dialog box.
4. Burn the CD.

This then booted OK by holding "c" and I was able to install Linux on the 
4G partition I had set aside for it.

If that works, you can install and deal with a whole pile of other issues. 
But through it all, you have to remember that Unix/Linux is not a new 
computer experience, but rather a right of passage. :-)

Dennis Fazio