local network using ethernet and modem

Russell T. Brunet yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri, 13 Sep 2002 09:40:19 -0700

Do you think it could be the actual network card that's bad and not the
drivers?? I'm pretty sure that the machine recognizes the name and brand of
the card in the network configuration panel in KDE. I have several other
cards (alas, all of them are the same type). Do you think I should swap the
card first or try a different driver?

Muchas gracias se=F1ores,


>on 9/13/02 8:54 AM, Russell T. Brunet at brunet@mac.com wrote:
>> I am trying to do the exact same thing, and I'm having the exact same
>> problem! The only difference, is that my pc (running RedHat) network card
>> reports a MAC address of 00:00:00:00:00:00. Any ideas? Yvon, if you figur=
>> it out, let me know your exact settings. I'll do the same.
>Your system is not supporting your Ethernet card. I had a similar problem
>and tried different drivers without success. I finally replaced the Farallo=
>card with an Apple in the com slot and that worked.
>If you can't get the MAC address then I would say this is the issue.
>yellowdog-newbie mailing list