YDL 2.3 installation woes

Bruce Wehr yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sat, 14 Sep 2002 10:30:28 -0400

"Russell T. Brunet" wrote:

> >>>Well, I'm running Jaguar now. Totally off subject, how do you like
> 10.2??

First impressions are very good over all.  It's nice having a real Unix
shell!  (A Unix shell is my second home!  :)  Classic mode works well
for me, but I don't have any intense Classic apps.

My biggest complaint, as a recent switcher, is the total lack of any
decent documentation.  Online Mac Help is okay for fairly surface level
stuff, but there are no in depth tutorials or comprehensive references.
I'm the type who wants to exhaust every avenue before asking folks on
the net, but with my Mac, I find I have to turn to net resources
practically every time.

Now, if only someone could help me start troubleshooting my YDL
installation woes!!  :)

<>< Bruce Wehr