yellowdog-newbie digest, Vol 1 #166

Jonathan Segel
Sat, 14 Sep 2002 08:15:49 -0700

would this be true of other failures? i've recently experienced a 
destruction of the x server's ability to work, and one thing i have 
seen is that xfs fails to shutdown in the shutdown process, even when 
how can i reconfigure xfs...?

>Message: 4
>Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2002 16:13:23 -0600
>Subject: Re: NTPD fails at shutdown?
>From: Pat Plummer <>
>On Friday, Sep 13, 2002, at 10:55 US/Mountain, Anthony Tambourino wrote:
>>  I've been running YDL-2.3 for a couple of months now and everytime I
>>  shutdown, it fails to terminate something called ntpd.  It's not that
>>  big of a deal, because it "kills" the process a few steps later, but
>>  I'd just like to know:
>>  (a) what is it?
>The network time protocol daemon. It synchs your system with a
>timeserver out on the net and can in turn act as a server to other
>machines. Read the associated man pages on it.
>>  (b) why it always fails?
>Maybe because it is not starting up and the shutdown script tries to
>shutdown a non existent process.
>>  (c) any way to make it not "fail"?
>Configure it correctly. Look at /etc/ntp.conf and the files in the
>/etc/ntp directory and set up your reference servers. You can use
> or any of the public timeservers -- do a google search
>on public time servers or ntp. The init scrpit for ntp in /etc/init.d
>will typically try to set your machine's time first with ntpdate then
>start up ntpd. If it can't do this then sometimes ntpd will not start.
>That may be your problem.
>Powered by MacOS X
>via an Apple Network Server 700
>running Yellow Dog Linux 2.3

Jonathan Segel  -- MAGNETIC -- PO Box 460816 S.F. CA. 94146-0816
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    tel (510) 534 7825  cell (510) 484 7415  fax (425) 955 4495