Help!!! Need to fix GUI login!

Pat Plummer
Mon, 16 Sep 2002 18:37:14 -0600

On Monday, Sep 16, 2002, at 12:01 US/Mountain,  Anthony Tambourino 
> I tried looking around the threads for this problem, but saw nothing.
> I booted up my Powerbook yesterday and it won't load the GUI login 
> interface.  It gets stuck in a loop at the text interface and I can't 
> break out of it (forcing me to do a hard reset).
> I loaded in the rescue CD, but that just gets me to a prompt.  I can't 
> even begin to figure out where to look to try to reset anything.
Do this again (use the rescue CD). IIRC, that should have you in single 
user mode. If not, log in as root.

Use pico to edit the /etc/inittab file, so you boot in run level 3.

Change the line that reads:



Save the file and restart (not from the rescue CD).

This should allow allow you to boot to a text login.

log in.

type startx and press enter. Does X load up and get you back to the 
gui? If yes, the problem is with gdm or kdm (whichever you are using). 
If X does not load, then you should get some error messages that will 
lead you to the problem.

Post back here if you have trouble figuring it out.


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