YDL 2.3/iBook/ethnet - DSL

Brian yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sat, 28 Sep 2002 23:57:20 -0700

Howdy All,

Well, it looks like I've gotten item 1 resolved (restoring my ethernet card to
vanilla working/active condition).  Pat:  thanks for the help on the files.  I
gave them a read, and while they were mostly greek to me, it got me thinking,
checking, and - most importantly, I think - managing the resolution in a
scientific process (i.e., change one thing at a time...).  I've been able to get
my eth0 device to activate again.  The fix seemed to be setting it with a Static
IP of for the local host...

Now, I just need to get the DSL to work, and I'm in business.  I'm going to give
the xDSL connection a few more tries, but I saw a bit in the bookstore earlier
about using a ppoe solution from Roaring Penguin...  Is anyone familiar with
that, or perhaps someone has had some luck with getting a (non-static IP) DSL
connection via Earthlink up and running?

Thanks much!!

~ Brian

> On Saturday, Sep 28, 2002, at 12:01 US/Mountain, Brian wrote:
> > 1) Resetting my ethernet card to a "standard" vanilla config
> I can't help with ppoe as I haven't jumped into that puddle yet, but 
> for the ethernet, I'd have a look at these files:
> /etc/sysconfig/network
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 as well as the other ifcfg 
> files you might have.
> Also the commands 'route' and 'ifconfig' might give you some 
> information that will help.
> Pat