YDL 3 specific support links (noobie)

Charles Bogaerts yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed, 9 Apr 2003 12:28:22 +0200

Looking at YDL 3 specific sites for support these last 2-3 days, this is all
i found:


Being a noobie at mailing lists, i found that forum quite attractive and
hope for its success to grow steadily :x

There are also the "How To's" on www.yellowdoglinux.com but none are made
for YDL3 yet.

I also went to www.imaclinux.net to see that they were new imac kernels
available adding support for iMac 1999/2000 ethernet card or such things but
having followed the tutorial to install the kernel, i ended up with a non
booting Linux.

Just a little question: The purpose of a mailing list is that the message i
send right now is being recieved by all the subscribers to that mailing
lists? that would be great but then also... what kind of support should we
expect from a list that attracts only newbies...?

-- It would be great to have more links like these! please share your links
for noobies like me!! :x

