Cant access the "Network Administration Tool"

Charles Bogaerts
13 Apr 2003 15:11:03 +0200

this is the error i get:

- from the console :

[root@nunux waka]# redhat-config-network

Warning : Device eth1 has been compiled with version 14
of Wireless Extension, while we are using version 12.
Some things may be broken...
Copying ifcfg-eth1 to devices and putting it into the default profile.
Copying ifcfg-eth0 to devices and putting it into the default profile.
Warning : Device eth1 has been compiled with version 14
of Wireless Extension, while we are using version 12.
Some things may be broken...

from Gnome's gui :

Component: redhat-config-network
Version: 1.2.0
Summary: TB
/var/tmp/python-2.2.2-root/usr/lib/python2.2/ expected string or buffer
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/sbin/redhat-config-network-gui", line 154, in ?
    window = mainDialog()
"/var/tmp/redhat-config-network-1.2.0-root/usr/share/redhat-config-network/netconfpkg/gui/", line 154, in __init__
"/var/tmp/redhat-config-network-1.2.0-root/usr/share/redhat-config-network/netconfpkg/gui/", line 225, in load
"/var/tmp/redhat-config-network-1.2.0-root/usr/share/redhat-config-network/netconfpkg/gui/", line 232, in loadDevices
"/var/tmp/redhat-config-network-1.2.0-root/usr/share/redhat-config-network/netconfpkg/", line 210, in getDeviceList
"/var/tmp/redhat-config-network-1.2.0-root/usr/share/redhat-config-network/netconfpkg/", line 117, in load
"/var/tmp/redhat-config-network-1.2.0-root/usr/share/redhat-config-network/netconfpkg/plugins/", line 34, in load
"/var/tmp/redhat-config-network-1.2.0-root/usr/share/redhat-config-network/netconfpkg/", line 52, in load
  File "/var/tmp/python-2.2.2-root/usr/lib/python2.2/", line 137,
in search
    return _compile(pattern, flags).search(string)
TypeError: expected string or buffer

[root@nunux waka]#

The console error points at my iMac g3 350mhz airport card whereas the
airport card(has an emergency internet access which i'm using now) is
the only one working. The one that doesnt seem to work is the internal
ethernet card(my main internet access).Being a newbie, it's very hard
for me to learn linux while not being able to access the net
from the linux box :<. Please help!