A really stupid question.

Morgan Doocy yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed, 30 Apr 2003 08:02:31 -0700

You must run all commands to shut down as root:

user@localhost$ su -
root@localhost$ shutdown -h now


user@localhost$ sudo shutdown -h now

The latter only works if you've set 'user' up to be able to run sudo on=20=

the machine, by using 'visudo'. Use 'man visudo' to figure out how to=20
use that.

Incidentally, there are a few other ways to shut down as well:

root@localhost$ halt
root@localhost$ reboot
root@localhost$ poweroff



On Wednesday, April 30, 2003, at 12:48  AM, Tavis Werts wrote:

> that's what i though, but it says shutdown command not found. i=20
> haven't been able to find it, though I haven't spent much time looking=20=

> for it.
> -- Tavis
> "If you really want a good band=85 if you really want to do it, you've=20=

> got to get out of Switzerland and starve for a bit."
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