YDL 2.3 iMac Rev A - can't boot

yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sun, 10 Aug 2003 15:51:02 -0400

>From Ron McCy
>It SHOULD do a YDL only boot pretty easily. You may have to specify NOT to 
>use yaboot - I think that specifier is in the installation somewhere.

I'm totally newbie to YDL and Linux but after reading YDL guide I understand yaboot is 
allways required to boot a PowerPC machine in linux. Even if you are installing only YDL 
- not OS 9 or X at all.

Anyway, I would like to give more details about my status:

When power on the iMac, there is the screen sequence it shows:

1) A few seconds in 'gray', then show up the familiar 'folder' with the 'happy os face'

2) Few seconds later, goes to a completelly black screen that says something like:

First Stage Yellow Dog Linux Bootsrap
and 2 options to boot: "l" for linux and "C" for CD. 

3) After few seconds or if press "L" before screen, it brings another screen that says:

Welcome to Yellow Dog Linux
Welcome to yaboot version 1.3.6
Enter "help" to get some basic usage information

If you type "help"  as soon as you can it says a long message and that my "device" and 
"partno" are:

If you don't type nothing, it will try to boot "linux" and freeze in message:
Please wait, loading kernel.....

As I remember from the install, my 'boot' partition is number 6 (remeber - I don't install 
Mac OS). So I figure out I must tell yaboot to use 6 instead of 8.

So, using as a reference other message in this list, I type (after "boot:")
and get the message: "Unknow or corrupt filesystem"

If I try 7 instead of 6, it gives the same message: "Unknow or corrupt filesystem"

There is also the option of type "linux-novideo" but it also freeze with system
"Please wait, loading kernel..."

So, I guess is something with yaboot.
Can anybody help me on this?

Gustavo Chirinos