Why use YDL? (reply to Clint)

Longman, Bill yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri, 15 Aug 2003 13:44:34 -0700

> The only reason I might need YDL would be to run Linux
> object code (binaries). Do binaries compiled on Red
> Hat Linux run on YDL?

Mostly true. Unless you have some kind of "linux interpreter" running under
OS X, just like SoftPC, (or VMWare) for example. Otherwise, that's when
you'd need YDL.

Binaries are compiled on platforms, not distros. Mandrake is a distro that
runs on different platforms, just as RH is. The binaries are different
between those, although the source is typically the same(ish). YDL is
actually a derivative of RH. Since the platforms determine so much more of
the function than the distro, you can't even say that recompiling on another
platform is even possible, in some cases. But certainly binaries don't run
across platforms. (Don't even start talking about Java Byte Code....).