(no subject)

kaos yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
12 Feb 2003 19:29:06 -0600

On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 14:32, Nils Crompton wrote:
> Anyone elso get this messege when trying to boot Jag in YDL molinux:
> newworld: ----> System/Library/CoreServices/BootX is not an ELF image
> :(
> nils

How are you starting maconlinux?  Are you in a virtual terminal or are
you in a window manager, such as KDE? Are you actually typing the
command 'startmol' from a terminal. I should be able to help you with
this, but I need a little more information.

--[kaos] - kaos@staticusers.net  |
--save the planet, kill yourself |