ADB Mouse and YDL 2.3

Markus Deistler
27 Feb 2003 22:06:04 +0100

On Wed, 2003-02-26 um 20.27 Nick Smith wrote:

> Thanks Markus, no garbled text though, anyone any ideas?
> > Move the mouse just after you issued that command. If you see garbled
> > control codes on your terminal, everything is fine. 

Not really, any current YDL comes with new input layer support, so
$ cat /dev/input/mice
should produce something.

You may have kernel that has been built with new input layer, but
without adb-support. I haven't built a kernel for a while, but I
remember that I had to check adb-(mouse)-support on new input layer
somewhere when configuring the build.

If /proc/sys/dev/mac_hid/ isn't present on your system, you don't have
the new input layer at all, the mouse is then hidden behind
/dev/adbmouse. Your kernel must be pretty old, then.
