KDE 3 upgrade

Ken Grunke yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Thu, 6 Mar 2003 21:48:15 -0600

I need advice on whether my plan to upgrade KDE from 2.2 to 3.0 is 
the right thing. 
It's on a Powermac 7500/200 604e, with 192 mb of ram--running YDL 2.2 
with the 2.4.18-0.9a kernel. I don't plan on upgrading to YDL 2.3 in 
the near future.
The info I have gleaned from various sources is that the logical 
order to do the upgrade, using rpms from  
ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/3.0/YellowDog/2.2/RPMS is:

1) Install qt-3.0.3 first
2) Install arts 
3) Install kdelibs
4) Install kdebase
5) Install any other packages needed in any order.

Am I on the right track, and should I anticipate any snags for a 
KDE 2.2 is working OK for me, is it worth it to upgrade? 
Will KDE 3 use a lot more memory and disk space?

