Installing OpenOffice
Sat, 15 Mar 2003 10:49:25 -0700

After exchanging e-mails with YDL support, I still have no zip drive access.  I 
have tried all of their suggestions, and those of the kind people here.

On to other things.  I have no clue how to install OpenOffice.  I have tried to 
understand the generic pdf file on installation, and the text file on the YDL 
extras CD, explaining how to do a PPC Openoffice installation.  This latter file 

The install has two phases

Phase 1: by root (or yourself) to anywhere you have space and 
write permission

tar -jxf OOo_1.0.0_LinuxPPC_install_en-US.tar.bz2
cd OOo_1.0.0_LinuxPPC_install_en-US
chown -R root:root ./    # (or as your own userid)

I have no idea what this means.  I suspect that there are also steps that need to 
be done before executing the first command (tar -jxf 
OOo_1.0.0_LinuxPPC_install_en-US.tar.bz2).  I have opened a Konsole window, and 
tried to execute the first command, but I get error messages.  Also, the third 
command listed above is not clear to me.  

Could someone break all of this down into simpler steps for me?  Indeed the file 
(OOo_1.0.0_LinuxPPC_install_en-US.tar.bz2) is on the YDL extras CD.  What next?

Thanks.  RJ Goos   

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