Mozilla Firebird

Matt Jones
06 Nov 2003 15:40:12 +0000

On Thu, 2003-11-06 at 15:29, Jason DeVita wrote:
> > Instead, I've got 4 folders (bin, include, lib and share) that I'm
> > unsure what to do with. Do I just copy their contents to /usr/ ?
> I'd copy their contents to /usr/local/ (to keep stuff that I've built
> separate from the others).  Just make sure that /usr/local/bin/ (or where
> ever you put it) is in your PATH (type "echo $PATH" to see).

Thanks, I've done that and my path contains /usr/local/bin. However if I
try and run MozillaFirebird from the command line, I get: Cannot find
mozilla runtime directory. Exiting.

Any suggestions?
