CVS server ported to YDL 3.0?

Ed Mahoney
02 Oct 2003 00:54:20 -0700

I'm sorry. I didn't make it clear enough. Xinetd is already running.
There are services listed there for anacron, httpd, syslog and others
along with xinetd.  I've tried restarting xinetd after I defined the
service for cvspserver, but I still get the message that says you must
enable xinetd to use this service. It makes me believe that there is
another place where these services must be defined for xinetd to use


On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 22:23, Oliver Schnarchendorf wrote:
> On 01 Oct 2003 17:55:42 -0700, Ed Mahoney wrote:
> > I found some of those howtos and I followed the instructions (I think).
> > Basically, they said to include a file in the xinetd folder that defines
> > the cvspserver service. I did this but when I look at the service
> > configuration window, the line for cvspserver always says "You must
> > enable xinetd to use this service". What else do I have to do to enable
> > this? I've restarted my machine several times and this does not change.
> Okay... here it goes:
> 1. YDL Menu -> System Settings -> Services
> 2. Find xinetd
> 3. Select xinetd through mouse click
> 4. Check the xinetd checkbox
> 5. Start the service by clicking on the toolbar arrow pointing to the right.
> That's it.
> /oliver/
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