HELP !!!!! YDL 3.0 install

Sat, 6 Sep 2003 15:36:37 +0100

I am trying to install YDL 3.0 on my  G3 Powerbook (oldworld) (lombard)

Everything seems to fine .. it boots up the graphic install .. i setup 
my user account and password
etc .... it starts to install ... then FREEZES when trying to install

Package     Xfree86-libs-data-4.3.0-2.1c

ive tried to install 10 times now and it stops at the same place 
my disks are ok md5sums check out
i wiped the drive clean after each attempt and re-partitioned and 
re-installed os9

Ive noticed on the YDL website that my powerbook requires yaboot ... 
but it wont boot from the cd only from xboot

Ive tried searching the mailing lists and found one other post with the 
same problem (posted in June)..... but no answer
ive tried searching dozens of forums ..... but no answer ....

Please help .......
Many thanks


ps sorry for my rantings :-)