YDL 3.0 on iMac: ssh Connection refused

David Adcock yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri, 12 Sep 2003 13:18:01 -0700 (PDT)

Downloaded and installed YDL 3.0 on an iMac Blueberry.
Everything is fine so far except that ssh from any
external machine fails with: Connection refused.
(Tried so far with a Mac G4 (9.2.1) and a SuSE Linux
8.2, and both failed.)

>From the iMac itself, tried
   ssh localhost -l valid_user_name
and it worked fine.

Also from the iMac "telnet localhost 22" returned:
   Connected to localhost.
   Escape character is...
and then sending a carriage return returns:
   Protocol mismatch.
   Connection closed by foreign host.
as one would expect.

As expected, ps shows that sshd is running (with no
command line params).

Tried uncommenting the default params in
/etc/ssh/sshd_config, but no success there.

NEW RESULTS:  telnet behaves in exactly the same way.
When telnet is enabled in xinetd, I can telnet into
localhost from the iMac itself, but neither of the
other two mabhines can connect - same message:
Connection refused.

This must be something simple I have overlooked, but
none of the listings here or on the openssh list have
had any suggestions other than to make sure sshd is

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