A few Post Install Questions

Sean Kelley yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon, 15 Sep 2003 22:33:16 -0500

I'd recommend checking your settings here.  I experienced the same
trouble and edited this file directly by hand as I could not trust the 



On Monday, September 15, 2003, at 11:00  AM, Samuel Clough wrote:

> I have a few post install questions.  I've used Mandrake before on an 
> x86
> so I'm not a total linux newbie but I'd appreciate help with a few
> issues.  So far YDL seems great.
> 1. Firewall.  During the install I set the security level to high and
> opened up ports for HTTP, DHCP, and SSH.  Now, when I go into the GUI
> security level it shows the system as high security and default with
> none of those ports opened.  If I try to change it, it let's me save
> changes, but when I go back into the security level GUI, it shows high
> level and default.  It's not saving my changes.  I wondered if the file
> it's writing to is messed up and so it cannot read it correctly or save
> changes and that's just not making it up to a user prompt, I don't 
> know.
>  I assume it's using iptables, but in the past I've always let a gui
> play with configuration there and not messed with the files by hand.
> This is also causing a problem in that I cannot get out to the web.  My
> ibook is attached to a router and is attaching to the network because I
> can ping the router and the windows box, but I cannot ping anything on
> the web.  In my debugging process at this point I'm assuming it's the
> firewall, but I can't turn the thing off since the gui is not saving
> changes!  Also, ifconfig is returning command not found.  Shouldn't it
> be there?  I even su'd to root and tried it and still no output.
> ://lists.terrasoftsolutions.com/mailman/listinfo/yellowdog-newbie