display area sudenly got small

Richard G. Reeves yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed, 28 Apr 2004 04:25:20 -0400 (EDT)


I had been using YD for a few days on my 17" Imac 1ghz(dual boot with OS
x) all fine (except I don't know how to turn down the volume).  Then I
logged in one day opened the browser and the screen got smaller.  There
are large black spaces around the displayed area.  I don't know what

I went to system settings > display
gave root password

I see that i am set to 800x600 Aplle iMac LCD 17 with NVIDIA GeForce 4

I have only the option for 640x480 resolution , i thinnk i need 1440x900
but i don't have this option.

any help would be great

Yours looking throigh a little hole
