A migration of the YDL lists to forums: 2004 08/03

Kai Staats yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue, 3 Aug 2004 13:00:40 -0600

Subscribers to the Yellow Dog Linux Newbie list,

We are pleased to announce the creation of Terra Soft Forums:

... which will replace the use of the newbie, general, and devel email lists. 
This new environment is more functional, aesthetically pleasing, and less 
maintenance intensive in comparison to the mailman-based lists.

The existing lists will be terminated this coming Monday, the 9th of August. 
(No need to terminate your membership list, I will take care of this for you 
next week.) The lists archives will of course be retained. Please create an 
account with the new forum(s), migrate conversations and threads, and enjoy!

Finally, we are pleased to state the new Forums will be moderated as follows:

	newbie - AJ Hawks, Install/Build Engineer, TSS
	general - Christopher Murtagh, long-standing YDL user
	devel - Owen Stampflee, Lead Engineer, TSS

... the Announce, Media-Relations, and Updates list will not migrate to the 
Forums as they function well as such.

Kai Staats
Terra Soft Solutions, Inc.