mol kernel problems

Sat, 21 Aug 2004 13:21:12 -0400

Hey wolf-

wolf_moon456 wrote:
> I tried replacing my /etc/yum.config with the text you
> had in the message, but I got this error when I tried
> runnig yum install kernel:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/sbin/yum", line 44, in ?
>     yummain.main(sys.argv[1:])
>   File "", line 104, in main
>   File "", line 64, in parseCmdArgs
>   File "", line 27, in __init__
>   File "//usr/lib/python2.2/", line
> 233, in read
>     self.__read(fp, filename)
>   File "//usr/lib/python2.2/", line
> 472, in __read
>     raise e
> ConfigParser.ParsingError: File contains parsing
> errors: /etc/yum.conf
>         [line 22]: 'freshrpms\n'
>         [line 27]: 'ruffpack\n'

Here's my yum.conf file - works fine on my 7500. you'll need to 
uncomment out the 3.0.1 suppository to update the kernel and modules. 
You can comment it back when you're done (saves header reading time when 
you use yum after the upgrade and you'll only really need it once for 
the upgrade).
You might want to try:
	yum update
instead of:
	yum install kernel
before you muck about too much.

If you only want the kernel and mods updated, comment out all the other 
stuff and leave the 3.0.1 suppository the only one active. That'll leave 
all your other files untouched (I'm only recommending this 'cause I'm 
cussing firefox right now - just quit working).

> I also didn't make a copy of my yum.config file first,
> which was pretty stupid of me.........

tsk, tsk, tsk - backup, backup, backup ;-)


     It's what you make it man
     Takes time
     A little bit
     A little bit more

             -The Minutemen