Anyone configure xine to play DVD on G3 PPC?

George H Griffin
Sat, 04 Sep 2004 20:16:09 -0600

Roger Scow wrote:

>I've got an iBook 800 with OSX and YDL 3.0.1, with a DVD-ROM/CD-RW
>drive.  I can play cds, but the app tells me I don't have the proper
>input plugins for DVD playback.  The control center in KDE tells me I
>have a cdrom, but not necessarily a DVD drive.
>I've tried to compile the d4d and d5d plugins ... but am having compile
>problems.  Can ./configure but getting lots of make errors.
>I've scanned the YDL howtos, but am still lost.  Google, likewise.
>Thanks, YDL chums.
>yellowdog-newbie mailing list

After jumping through many hoops a few months ago I finally got xine,
using Kaffeine 0.4.3b as a front end, to play DVDs.  I don't recall all the
steps, but I had to compile and install several different libraries
and did a lot of googling to track down dependencies.  Unfortunately
after all that work my experience was that the iBook 800 simply doesn't
have the power to play DVDs, at least under linux.  Playback was very
jerky and when there was actual video playing--as opposed to still 
pictures in
an introduction--the sound dissappeared.

I gave up and watch DVDs on my Athlon machine (running SuSE 9.1).  Playback
quality is fine there.

Wish I could offer you more encouragement, perhaps I missed something
that YD gurus can point out to you to get satisfactory performance.


George H. Griffin     Powered by SuSE Linux 9.1, kernel 2.6.5-7.108-default

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