Can imported DHCP IP addy be causing my mol problems?

Roger Scow
05 Sep 2004 11:23:25 -0500

Sorry again for the cross post and netiquette breach.

mol starts up and runs a full console window, with the tux/apple logo
and the OSX startup wheelie thingy.  Then that's it.  I think I have
molrc.osx configured properly.  But, console log shows this:

Autoswitching to console
DHCP nameserver exported:
Ethernet Interface 'tun-<tun1>' @ 00:00:0D:EA:DB:EE
MOL SCSI controller registered

At home, I'm on a DHCP select non static IP address setup with an
AirPort card.  Using iBook 800 and OSX 10.3.5 and YDL 3.0.1.

The IP addy above is from the static address at work.  How do I modify
this?  Maybe this is the conflict that keeps me from getting mol to run

Your help is very much appreciated.
