mol and DHCP conflicts = no mol?

Derick Centeno
05 Sep 2004 13:43:55 -0400

Hi Roger:
This is just an idea. But it could help the different OS's (YDL and OS
X) if how you named the machine (replace localhost with a name you
prefer on the Linux side) and (replace the standard OS X name again with
something different).  From what I understand of how OS X and YDL are
designed so that they share one drive (on a powerbook -- for instance)
certain partitions are shared between them; I don't know the details
though and I have been informed that one OS is oblivious to the other.

It appears your DHCP/IP settings are a bit confused.

One way they would be confused is if you are actually attempting to use
OS X through MOL while within Linux to do printing or Internet work or
access a webpage etc.  In my opinion, one should never access hardware
connections via Ethernet, modems, internal nets, or even faxes through
emulators such as MOL.  I wouldn't do it either with even Virtual PC!

I took a class in Computer Engineering which I recall discussing the
details with a professor; most these many years later I remember in my
alpha states...anyway although many things have changed that is still
one fast way to confuse a system.

Let's go through one possible scenario.  OK.  Suppose OS X is running
via MOL and I want to use DSL or a home printer or a printer on a
network.  Fine.  I proceed happily ignorant that things are slowing
down...what's going on?  The OS internals are always under the
impression that they have 100% access to all facilities, ports, devices,
etc....they don't know that they are running through an emulator really
as they are processes they couldn't care less as they are not that
intelligent.  What they are going to do is to take more and more CPU
processing cycles to achieve control of the devices they cannot in fact
have control directly of as the OS is running through an emulator such
as MOL.  

The intention of MOL is to give you access to the address book you use
on the Mac OS such as "Now Up-TO-Date/Now Contacts" or Graphing
Calculator.  MOL may have improved but nothing will stop Unix processes
once they are invoked to access or control devices until you actively
kill them.  But you started them via MOL and Mac OS X processes may only
respond (I'm guessing) to System Administrator kill commands which you
cannot do effectively within MOL.  MOL is after all a Linux application
really no different than Open Office. At least, I don't think so.

I've been shown on this list to be wrong before; maybe I'm wrong again
in presenting my opinion regarding the limitations of MOL.  Still until
someone is able to demonstrate differently I'll hold to my opinion.

For this reason and others I prefer to keep the OS's on separate drives;
and I mount them or boot explicitly into one OS or the other when I need me cautious.

Still you should be able as a user on either OS have and use the
settings you need.  Within OS X you need to make settings changes as
System Admin. mode; within YDL you can use superuser (su -) gives you
higher priority.

Regarding DHCP and IP I would refer you to references you already know
how to find... however if you are ready to "take the plunge" and have
the cash then you'll find some pithy works on

Your powerbook is 4x faster than the system I run YDL on...geez some
fellows have all the luck!

Enjoy the weekend!

On Sun, 2004-09-05 at 12:39, Roger Scow wrote:
> Again, I'm having trouble with mol ... wondering if the problem is IP
> address/DHCP problem between home and office.
> The nameserver addresses are from static addresses assigned at work.
> Here is where the static nameservers are coming from:
> >  cat /etc/resolv.conf
> > ; generated by /sbin/dhclient-script
> > search
> > nameserver
> > nameserver
> I'm not sure how I can/should edit this info.  I'm going to boot into OSX and remove the 
> configuration for work, and see if there is a change.  I also have been using YDL at work, 
> so I guess I'll delete the work eth0 configuration, too.
> Thanks.
> Roger
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