What's the reason for Yellow Dog?

Derick Centeno yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
19 Sep 2004 16:45:03 -0400

This can be misleading but I'll take a crack at it.  The packages which
are available include libraries and all the other dependencies which the
actual application relies upon and uses but doesn't develop themselves.
A lot of Linux is like that.

So the let's say that the pc version of an app has a slew of
dependencies well the powerpc uses different dependencies entirely.  The
way around this as you know is to download the source and recompile.

yum "sees" only what it knows about within yum.conf.  I found some very
interesting packages two of which I downloaded today which is located on
in sourceforge.net and not found in the freshrpms.net

This is just the way things seem to be in this Linux universe.  So
recompiling is a bit of a drag but once it is done that package can be
sent about to other users of YDL; I don't just know many people
interested in biomathematical functions which produce genetically based
images.  I can think of one other fellow maybe, but apparently he's not
on the list today.

On Sun, 2004-09-19 at 16:19, Ed Sutherland wrote:
> Hi Derrick,
> So 6-1 is the latest version of Thunderbird available to YDL users? Other
> ppc linux distros have 7.3 and 8.0. I'll assume YDL Gnome users are still at
> 2.3. Is anyone porting the latest versions of the most popular linux apps to
> YDL?
> Ed
> On 9/19/04 4:00 PM, "Derick Centeno" <aguilarojo@verizon.net> wrote:
> > Available package: thunderbird.ppc 0:0.6-1.0.yd3.fr from freshrpms
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