What's the reason for Yellow Dog?

Ed Sutherland yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon, 20 Sep 2004 09:41:04 -0400

This is what continually drives me back to Mac OS X -- useability. I install
YDL and, following directions from the YDL FAQ site, update yum.conf to
include mirror sites less congested. Upon 'yum update' or 'yum install
synaptic', YDL spits out several lines of internal errors. The errors were
along the lines of 'error in line ... Of xxx.py'

Nothing simply works or works simply. YDL is supposed to be Linux for Mac
users, but carries over none of the Mac mindset, which is to make the
operating system as transparent to the user as possible...in other words,
you get in, turn the key, and go. At the moment, YDL gives Mac users an
engine missing a few spark plugs, some wiring and one or two wheels with an
owner's manual consisting of the line: "figure it out yourself."

This isn't to put down Linux; it can be a fine system for those willing to
invest a large portion of time getting it operational. But for those just
wanting to use -- not hack -- their computers, Linux can be the latest
technological siren-song.

Gnome  says its latest update 'just works' with detecting new
hardware...maybe the same philosophy will filter down to the various Linux


On 9/19/04 4:45 PM, "Derick Centeno" <aguilarojo@verizon.net> wrote:

> yum "sees" only what it knows about within yum.conf.  I found some very
> interesting packages two of which I downloaded today which is located on
> in sourceforge.net and not found in the freshrpms.net