Lombard and booting from external SCSI

Brian McKee yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon Sep 20 16:25:14 MDT 2004

	I appreciate your attempts at pointed out other alternatives to my 
planned installation of another OS on an external SCSI drive.  I am 
however trying to use existing hardware, not purchase more, as I 
indicated in my original posting.  Throwing money at a problem is often 
a solution (and the computer industry in paticular seems to excel at 
pointing this out), but it isn't always the preferred choice for the 
	The FAQ refers to firewire drives - I don't believe that SCSI drives 
are handled the same way at all.  If the machine was all SCSI (like 
older mac models) I'd be sure it worked, but as Derick pointed out the 
main drive is IDE.
	Has anyone actually attempted this?  I would have tried it over the 
weekend but I'm waiting on a part for that laptop before I can proceed. 
  Has anybody booted OS7-9 from the SCSI port on one of these machines?

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