Forgot login name and need to change default os at boot.

Andy Fingerson
Tue Sep 21 06:56:38 MDT 2004

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I stopped using YDL for awhile until today, and I couldn't remember my 
login name so I had to login as root. What's the easiest way to find my 
login name?

Also, at boot yaboot will default to booting YDL if i don't choose 
something else within a mere few seconds. I would like to change the 
default to OS X but don't know how to go about this. Thank you.
"The Los Alamos national laboratory reports that they are missing two 
computer discs with sensitive weapons information. How embarrassing is 
that? Now we can't even find our own weapons of mass destruction."
Jay Leno

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<fontfamily><param>Lucida Grande</param>I stopped using YDL for awhile
until today, and I couldn't remember my login name so I had to login
as root. What's the easiest way to find my login name?

Also, at boot yaboot will default to booting YDL if i don't choose
something else within a mere few seconds. I would like to change the
default to OS X but don't know how to go about this. Thank you.


"<fontfamily><param>Lucida Grande</param>The Los Alamos national
laboratory reports that they are missing two computer discs with
sensitive weapons information. How embarrassing is that? Now we can't
even find our own weapons of mass destruction."

Jay Leno


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