YD 4.0

Eric Dunbar eric.dunbar at gmail.com
Sat Jan 8 07:20:27 MST 2005

> > System 1.3, Finder 0.97 fit on a 400 kB floppy AND had room left over
> > for one or two apps AND for user files! (yes, I was virtually weened
> > on Macintosh).
> Or was that Finder 1.3, System 0.97 (I'm getting "old" & forgetting
> things)? This was back when MacPaint 1.3 and MacWrite 1.7 were the
> most advanced word processor and graphics design tool in the world.

I remember what else I could do to save room! Remove the Finder. It
was unnecessary if you set an application as the Finder in the boot
sector of the floppy, or you could use a tiny app called the
minifinder (I think that's what it was... it was a file/app launcher
and nothing more)... save another 100K or so. Compare that with the
modern multi-gigabyte base installs which in the end DON'T REALLY DO
MUCH MORE THAN the Mac 128!!! (you had word processors, spread sheets,
graphics apps and telecom interfaces that did pretty much the same
thing as everything nowadays... e-mail apps certainly could've been
designed to those specs... the only imporant thing missing was HTML
browsers but given that Lynx is a CLUI app with low CPU demands it
could've probably been done)


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