Nessus install

Derick Centeno aguilarojo at
Sun Jan 16 11:48:28 MST 2005

On Sun, 2005-01-16 at 12:59, Jeff Brooks-Manas wrote:
> Thanks again!
> The install seemed to go pretty well. I got a segmentation fault when
> I tried to start the scan.
> It's probably because I didn't uninstall the last instance properly.
> That's what was happening before.
> Jeff

Hi Jeff:
A segmentation fault indicates that the programmer's logic, that is the
way he/she wrote the program is the problem, not you or anything you
did.  If your skill is good enough you can correct the code, make notes
of what you did and where and submit your corrections to the programming
project which created the app.  That's the strength and whole point of
open source.

Or just write to them (the people who wrote the program) and tell them
at what point you get the segmentation error and see if they have a fix
for it.  This is what usually a "patch" is.

You can look up the details yourself, just enter the phrase segmentation
fault into the Google search field and read whatever comes up.

Best wishes...

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