Machine boots directly into Mac OS X with no yaboot boot menu

mascarasnake dontdrill at
Wed Jun 1 06:19:28 MDT 2005

Hey steve -

steve s wrote:
> Hello again

> The second ways is by following the instructions at this web site:
> under the title "9.2 Loading Yaboot". I strt my machine and hold the 
> Command-Option-o-f keys and the open firmware screen appears at the 
> prompt I enter:
> 0 > boot hd:2,yaboot
> and yellowdog linux starts.
> BUT I dont want to have to do this everytime to use linux, I had yaboot 
> set up and now it is gone. Is there anything I can do to get yaboot 
> running again so I can choose which OS to boot each time I start up?
> Thanks for reading.

You should be able to straighten things out by simply running 'ybin' (as 
root) once you are booted into YDL. If your 'yaboot.conf' file is set up 
properly, this should reset the OF to recognize yaboot on the bootstrap 
partition first.


cheers, g'luck and all that stuff
     It's what you make it man
     Takes time
     A little bit
     A little bit more

             -The Minutemen

dontdrill at

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