PCI ATA controller cards

Derick Centeno aguilarojo at verizon.net
Mon Jun 5 01:16:25 MDT 2006

Hi Paul
Usually greater success is achieved by referencing whether the vendor  
of the card in question provides open source for linux.  However, what  
is often unclear is whether the vendor supports the Intel, PowerPC or  
both.  Sometimes vendors will provide information regarding the OS  
drivers they provide, but most people understand that just because  
drivers exist for OS X does not mean that drivers for Linux running on  
a PowerPC exist or are supported.

This vendor's page of Open Drivers (open source drivers) available for  
Linux is typical.  Here is the link:


The observation regarding this vendor also applies to others who supply  
open source drivers for linux.  The description regarding whether the  
driver will run on the PowerPC or Intel is not explained although many  
other important details are.  The difficulty here is a "disconnect" or  
"gap" between the engineers and users regarding what each believe to be  
important, as well as a change regarding who the users in the past --  
who engineers used to address their comments or commentaries to versus  
who the users tend to be today.

One general rule which "very loosely" applies is honestly more an  
assumption, than a rule:  It is this, if a vendor specifies a driver  
supports Linux, then it can be relied upon that what is meant that it  
is Linux running on Intel that is supported.  How can anyone determine  
when this assumption should be considered in effect?

The answer is rather unpleasant as it reveals a prejudiced assumption  
on the part of some corporations, as well as engineers -- emphasizing  
the miscomprehension of who today's user of Linux tends to be.  The  
strategy used to address your query and this question relies upon  
skills acquired in various computer science courses and real-world  
programming jobs -- which very many still do not have acquired nor have  
(for whatever reason) as a current personal resource available for  
their personal use.  Specifically, the strategy I used was this:

I downloaded the recommended open source files and read the code of  
each one directly, line by line.  Although my software skills are  
limited, I have not designed or written drivers, I did notice that the  
header file pci_ids.h in line number 88 allows for the invocation of  
the PowerPC if one removes the # symbol before that instruction.  One  
also has to remove that same symbol from any instruction invoking  
commands to the card one has which is listed in that header file.  If  
your PCI device is listed in that header file, you are in luck.

Likewise you will have to remove the # symbol from the beginning of any  
line addressing any function or commands or instructions your device  
needs in the files ending in .c which are included together with the  
header file.  Considering, the possibility that you can do this precise  
selection process throughout each file -- then you should be able to  
recompile this source and run it within YDL so that YDL can create  
binaries so that you can use that particular internal card within YDL  
as you please.  This is not a promise; this is a very -- highly  
conditional -- should.

The process of compilation of source code is pretty much standard  
within all versions of Linux and Unix with small variations.  Consider  
these more like guidelines, you should really address further questions  
back to the company (here SIIG) and encourage them to be clearer  
regarding how these files should be installed.  It is only when such  
companies receive more input from the current generation of users that  
"friendlier" guidelines will begin to be available.  Here are my own  
guidelines; I am not associated with SIIG in any way:

1. Untar the downloaded file.  Next make sure one is root or superuser.  
  Move the directory atp865 and check for the following files:  
aec62xx.c, ide-dma.c, ide-pci.c pci_ids.h, and pci.ids.  Move the  
directory to /usr/src.  Each file ending with .c has the name of the  
author listed on line 4 whom you can write to for information.

  2. with the atp865 directory do the following:  i. make  ii. make  
install  iii.  make clean

Good Luck...

On Jun 3, 2006, at 11:28 PM, Paul Higgins wrote:

> Does anyone have experience with PCI ATA controller cards using YDL or  
> Linux
> in general?  I have a SIIG UltraATA 133/100 Pro and I haven't found  
> much
> information online about it, other than the fact that it won't work at  
> all on
> my dual G4 Quicksilver.
> Any recommendations on ATA controller cards that will work under  
> Linux?  It
> would be helpful if I could find something that would also be  
> compatible with
> the dual G4s.
> Thanks,
> -PRH
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