iBook G3 - Remove YDL?

Derick Centeno aguilarojo at verizon.net
Sat Sep 2 05:27:28 MDT 2006

Hi Will!

YDL can be removed, but you may have to use a bit more "brute force" 
method to do it.  Try to recall how you formatted that hard drive (HD) 
in the first place.  If you used the entire drive for YDL, then the 
procedure is to erase the entire drive using Apple's Disk Utility.  Let 
me be clear, Apple's Disk Utility is the name of that application which 
can format and reformat the entire drive so that it is recognized by 
the Mac OS X; I think, that the name of that application for OS 9 (and 
earlier) was Apple's Disk Tools or just Disk Tools.  You'll need a disk 
which has both Disk Tools and Mac OS 9 -- this should be the Apple 
System Disk and Disk Tools should be somewhere there.

The idea is to boot from that disk.  Erase and reformat the drive to 
that format structure which Mac OS 9 needs to see... which I think is 
hfs, it could be described differently -- so check Apple's own manuals.

If you cannot, hopefully you have an old copy of HD formatters such as 
Micromat Techtools Pro, or something like that which you can use to 
format the HD for OS 9.  Once that is done, you should be able to 
reinstall OS 9 as well as any applications for OS 9.  Hopefully, you 
have an application such as Dantz's Retrospect to back up that system 
once it begins to get used.

Good Luck...

On Sep 2, 2006, at 2:01 AM, Will wrote:

> Hey
> I'm trying to find a way to removed YDL from my iBook G3?
> I need to install MacOS 9 back so some young children can use it.
> When I insert the old MacOS9 boot disk, I get nothing. It just freezes 
> up.
> I've tried open firmware booting, resetting PRAM, other install 
> disks...
> I have no idea!
> Thanks heaps
> Will
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