yellowdog-newbie Digest, Vol 32, Issue 7

David Seikel onefang at
Mon Apr 9 01:53:40 MDT 2007

On Sun, 08 Apr 2007 16:15:07 -0400 "dustin letwin"
<cracksatan666 at> wrote:

> This is what made me worry about this, it says attatch it to a high 
> definition tv, I want to use my PS3 on my normal Sanyo TV.
> I want to set up yellow dog linux on my ps3 and use it on my tv.
> I am about to post a more detailed post on the forum.

It really depends on what you want to do with it.  About 640x480 more
or less is what you will get from a standard TV.  Linux is made up of a
bunch of new software, and a bunch of old software, and not all of it
was written with such small displays in mind.  Browsing the web will
likely be painful as the standard sized browser window to design for
has been 800x600 for quite some time no, no matter what OS you use.
Even the PS3 built in GameOS web browser will have trouble with this.

On the other hand, the Enlightenment window manager E17 was designed
with 640x480 in mind, so that part at least might work for you.  Many
Linux applications, and especially games, can handle small 640x480
displays OK.

But 720i is probably the minimal usable resolution for most software,
and if I remember correctly, YDL wont do graphics mode in anything
less.  720i is the official minimally supported graphics format from
TSS, so you will probably not get much support for anything less.

Put it this way, it was common to use home computers on TVs way
back in the 80's, but computers have moved on since then.  You can not
expect to get anything like a good result trying to do so today.
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