upgrade to 6.0 from 5.0.2

Derick Centeno aguilarojo at gmail.com
Sat Feb 23 13:53:30 MST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Hi Chengx:

YDL 6.0 is a new release which comprises new and improved
implementations of Linux developed by Terra Soft Solutions (TSS).
Upgrades via yum are possible from the most current official release
(here YDL 6.0) forward until the next official release from TSS.

In the past TSS did not recommend that users install and mix older rpm
repositories from past releases of YDL with current ones.

Explanation:  It was not advised for instance that YDL 3.0 release be
mixed with the YDL 4.0 release.  The obvious reason to avoid this was
that mixing and attempting to install the different rpms into one
system would create an unstable an unreliable installation as the
different releases of YDL were designed to work with software unique to
the particular release of YDL they were intended for.

I assume the same recommendation holds for the current release as each
progressive release includes improvements which did not exist in prior
releases.  Traditionally upgrades occur within the same period a
current release is active.  For instance, when YDL 3.0 was the current
release one could use yum to upgrade from YDL 3.0 to YDL 3.0.1 but
could not do so between YDL 3.0.1 to include YDL 4.0.  To do install
YDL 4.0 one either purchased YDL 4.0 or one waited patiently until YDL
4.0 was released to the public mirrors.  I'm sure that the option
currently exists in a similar manner, one either purchases YDL 6.0
(together with support and/or other service options) or one chooses to
wait until it is released to the public mirrors and proceed solo.

Of course, it is possible to ignore the official recommendations and do
as one pleases on one's own hardware; ignoring such recommendations
however has usually proven to be costly over time.  Just sharing my
thoughts on the issue.  

All the best...

On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 0:53:24 -0700
chengx <chengx at ydl.net> wrote:

> How could I upgrade from the installed 5.0.2 to 6.0 on ps3? Is it
> still through the software update menu or using a 6.0 DVD? I hope to
> avoid destroying my 5.0.2 setup.
> xun
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