"USB BUS 1 deregistered" error message

Tom Clayton tom.clayton82 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 18 12:48:20 MDT 2008

Hi, apologies if this has been discussed previously, I have searched the
mailing lists but have not found anything.

I am trying to install YDL 6 on a 40GB PS3 (version 2.42) but after
installing Kboot and rebooting the PS3, instead of being prompted with
the installer options it goes straight to the Kboot prompt.  If I then
manually run "install_ps3_1080p" after a few lines of text it hangs on a
line stating:

"ps3-ehci-driver sb_05: USB bus 1 deregistered"

I have also tried installing the 1080i version with the same results.

I am using a wired logitech keyboard with no other usb devices.  I have
also tried an alternative keyboard with the same results.

Also after typing "ps3-boot-game-os" at the Kboot prompt the same USB
bus 1 deregistered line appears but it does successfully boot into the
game OS.

If anybody can help I would be very grateful as seeing YDL was what
persuaded me to buy a PS3 in the first place.


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