Yellow Dog Linux Bugfix Advisory: YDU-20020726-1

Dan Burcaw
Fri, 26 Jul 2002 11:34:13 -0600 (MDT)

Yellow Dog Linux Bugfix Announcement

Package:	qt
Issue Date: 	July 26, 2002	
Priority:	high	
Advisory ID: 	YDU-20020726-1

1. 	Topic:

	Updated qt packages are available.

2. 	Problem:

	The version of the Qt tookit that shipped with Yellow Dog Linux
	2.3 contains a small bug which causes the startup time of KDE
	applications such as Konqueror to be quite slow.  The bug also
	caused general UI slowness in applications such as KMail and
	broken preview functionality in the KDE Control Center's
	screensaver module.  Installing the updated Qt packages resolves
	all of these above problems.

3. 	Solution:

   	a) Updating via apt...
   	We suggest that you use the apt-get program to keep your
   	system up-to-date. The following command(s) will retrieve
   	and install the fixed version of this update onto your system:

		apt-get update
		apt-get install qt

   	b) Updating manually...
	Download the updates below for your version of Yellow Dog Linux
	and then run the following rpm command.
   	(Please use a mirror site)

		rpm -Fvh [filenames]

4. Verification

MD5 checksum			  Package
--------------------------------  ----------------------------
a6f0ad66e58449de22c20755548abe74  SRPMS/qt-3.0.3-11a.src.rpm
c746f6ba8aec95478a4af769f6d94b69  ppc/qt-3.0.3-11a.ppc.rpm
71d5cb7e4990e20038d1b58ccd258c12  ppc/qt-MySQL-3.0.3-11a.ppc.rpm
b0a18d2391539629ef9665755a065806  ppc/qt-ODBC-3.0.3-11a.ppc.rpm
ca4f3e278940b78255688a7e538214ff  ppc/qt-PostgreSQL-3.0.3-11a.ppc.rpm
57003512e5304102f6fabb14ebb84b7c  ppc/qt-Xt-3.0.3-11a.ppc.rpm
cb2771e109f3e3d6e8d5292a1d0a5dd9  ppc/qt-designer-3.0.3-11a.ppc.rpm
c29917b1c6f2a602a43f9150a4a369d2  ppc/qt-devel-3.0.3-11a.ppc.rpm
295f06251d34907b9e8e76a47e35cbae  ppc/qt-static-3.0.3-11a.ppc.rpm

I wish to verify that each package has not been corrupted or tampered with,
examine the md5sum with the following command: rpm --checksig --nogpg filename

5. Misc.

Terra Soft has setup a moderated mailing list where these security, bugfix, and package
enhancement announcements will be posted. See for more

For information regarding the usage of apt-get, see: