xfig fix

Subject: xfig fix
From: Jim Cole (greyleaf@yggdrasill.net)
Date: Mon Feb 21 2000 - 23:50:09 MST

Hi Dan.

The problem with xfig only showed up when trying to build the srpm.
Somehow in the process of building the binary in steps directly from the
CVS files, the problem was avoided.

In any case, I got curious, tried creating and building the srpm, and
encountered the problem you mentioned. I tracked down the error in the
patch file for the Imakefile. It was checking for the existence of a
directory other than what it was actually going to use for the install.

More specifically, it was checking for the existence of
rather than
Since the former directory *did* exist, the latter wasn't created before
before attempting the chmod.

I am attaching a replacement for xfig.3.2.3-beta-1-config.patch which
fixes the problem. Using the new patch I was able to successfully
create and build the source rpm.


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