It looks like an error...

Subject: It looks like an error...
From: Donn (
Date: Wed Apr 25 2001 - 10:53:59 MDT

Looking at the code that represents the message received when attempting
to grab the new 1.4 Gnome, it appears that the operating system should
be named in the response, but mine only listed that as "". This looks to
be an error. Any thoughts? Anyone know?

Code from Ximian install script:
# Exits with an error message when the operating system is not supported.
# $1: Operating system name
bail_os () {
    echo Error!
    echo We are sorry, but the operating system \`$1\' is not
    echo supported by the Ximian GNOME installer. We apologize for the
    echo inconvenience. Please see
    echo for support.

    exit 1

Donn Tarris
Maple Ridge BC

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