Re: Was I hacked?

Subject: Re: Was I hacked?
From: Dan Burcaw (
Date: Fri Aug 18 2000 - 16:30:45 MDT

>Looks like the possibility exist.It may be innocent but then again, it may be
>not. A good cracker would have left no trace at all so my guess would be
>with a rootkit.

root kits are evil but fairly easy to find if you know what to look for.
Generally, 'ls' is replaced with a hacked version that hides the root kit
If you suspect you've been root kit'd I suggest reinstalling ls (or
building it from scratch).

Also, try using find to search for directories called "..."

Lastly, if you are hacked it is generally a good idea to reinstall. Assume
that your cracker
has placed dozens of backdoors and password sniffers on your system. You
may find one
of his goodies, but that certainly doesn't mean that you've shut him/her
down and out.


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