Re: yellowdog-general Digest 9 Jun 2001 05:44:49 -0000 Issue 415

Subject: Re: yellowdog-general Digest 9 Jun 2001 05:44:49 -0000 Issue 415
From: jesse (
Date: Sat Jun 09 2001 - 16:26:43 MDT

Hey Everyone,

I know yellowdog 2.0 just came out...but I had this old cd of 1.2 that I got
last summer and never installed (because I had hardware problems that turned
out to be caused by a lemon mother board that took several months to resolve
and resulted in apple sending me a new computer).

anyway, in the instructions for configuring yaboot to autoboot YDL it says a
typical file is as follows:
time-out = 120

what mine says is this:
init-message = "\nWelcome to Yellow Dog Linux!\nHit <TAB> for boot
timeout = 150
default = install

image = cd:,\\\\vmlinux
  label = install
  initrd = cd:,\\\\ramdisk.image.gz

From reading the support information on the net, the \\\\ seems to be
correct, and the \\ was just a little typo. But why does my yaboot.conf
file differ so much?

At first I thought cd refered to my cd drive, but I think my cd-rom drive
would be hdb.

And no, I haven't gotten my computer to boot linux yet, I just get a black
screen when I try. (and i've edited this yaboot.conf file so that it looks
more like the one in the documentation and tried it that way, too)

Maybe I should remove all this and get ydl 2.0?

All Best,

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