Re: modem on iBook2001

Subject: Re: modem on iBook2001
From: Romain Kang (
Date: Sat Nov 17 2001 - 19:13:04 MST

Hi Filippo,

On Sat, Nov 17, 2001 at 11:25:54AM +0100, Filippo Fraternali wrote:
> > You are not going crazy. There was no macserial.o in my YDL 2.1
> > CDs, either. I solved this by figuring out a new .config for my
> > iceBook and building my own kernel and modules, based on the kernel
> > source in YDL 2.1. I was able to connect to the modem and try a
> > few AT commands, but I haven't had a chance to try dialing out yet.

> I am sorry, I saw there is macserial.o in the rpms for YDL2.1, I really can
> not understand why it is not loaddable now.

I took a second look, and it turns out that /boot/vmlinux has macserial
as part of the monolithic kernel on my YDL 2.1. You can check this on
your machine by doing
        $ nm -p /boot/vmlinux-2.4.10-12a | grep macserial
I get the following result:
        c0392fcc ? __initcall_macserial_init
        c03381a8 ? __exitcall_macserial_cleanup
        c01d1c58 T macserial_read_proc
        c01d6cbc T macserial_cleanup
        c01d6710 T macserial_init

> Anyway, is there a way to
> compile macserial as module without recompiling the all kernel?

This turns out to be unnecessary if macserial is part of the monolithic
kernel. If it's not there, read on.

> If not, you have to say that I never tried to recompile the kernel, what I
> figure out is that you can not use the same procedure you use to compile a
> new kernel. Is there a way to safely recompile it without risking to have no
> valid kernel to load at boot?

Perhaps there's someone with a HOWTO sheet who has the details worked out.
However, I did something like this:

- Copy the /usr/src/linux-2.4.10 tree to your own work area and cd there.

- Edit Makefile. Near the top, change the value of EXTRAVERSION. I
  used 13 to start with.

- $ cp configs/kernel-2.4.10-ppc.config .config
  This file appears to have a configuration that should work for the
  iBook, but I haven't tried it myself. macserial is part of the
  monolithic kernel. Someone speak up if I'm wrong, please!

- $ make menuconfig
  You can just save and exit without making any changes.
  This sets up some files needed for the kernel build.

- I run this script and redirect it to a file:
        #! /bin/sh
        set -e
        make dep; date
        make vmlinux; date
        make modules; date
  If there are any errors, then you should see them at the bottom
  of the build logfile. The stock kernel-2.4.10-ppc.config shouldn't
  give you any errors, though.

- From here on, work as root.
  # make modules_install
  # mv vmlinux /boot/vmlinux-2.4.10-${EXTRAVERSION}
  (Substitute ${EXTRAVERSION} with the value you set in Makefile)

- Edit /etc/yaboot.conf.
  Copy the complete stanza with "label=linux".
  Change "image=" to match your new vmlinux.
  Change the label name to something like "linux-new".

- # /usr/sbin/ybin
  You can run "ybin -v" if your curious to see what goes on.

- # /sbin/shutdown -r now
  When the machine reboots, tell yaboot you want linux.
  Then you'll get a "boot: " prompt. Type "linux-new"
  and try out your new Linux kernel.

And as someone said near the beginning of this thread, remember
to set up the modem to dial silently (ATM0). I set up a PPP
connection through /usr/bin/rp3-config, and ATM0 was part of
the initialization sequence.

Good luck,
Romain Kang Disclaimer: I speak for myself alone, except when indicated otherwise.

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