linux program in schools?

Subject: linux program in schools?
Date: Sat Oct 21 2000 - 07:59:39 MDT

I am trying to get a linux/unix administration program started in one of our
high schools. Our vocational education program director is unsure of the need.
He has done some searching and found very few Linux jobs posted. One of his
contacts indicates that Linux represents only 1% of the IT/IS market.

I saw a recent article on about how Linux/Unix market share is
greater than aggregate windows NT/2000.

Am I chasing a chimera here, or are we just at the beginning of exponential
growth in the Linux/Unix marketplace. We currently have a Windows NT/2000
certification program and a CISCO certification program in our high schools. I
am hoping to be able to offer our students some choices.

John Newsom
Director of Instructional Technology
Bellevue School District, WA

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