Re: Re iMac DVSE 500

Subject: Re: Re iMac DVSE 500
From: Michael A. Peters ( )
Date: Sat Sep 02 2000 - 06:23:49 MDT


id /dev/mouse and /dev/usbmouse were symlinks to /dev/input/mice (as
you set them up) then you shouldn't have needed to change your
XF86Config file- I use the new /dev/input/mice (on beige g3 with usb)
and my XF86Config file is still the old way...

Did you install using the normal YD installer?

>CPU: the new 500 MHz iMac DV SE, apple pro mouse and pro keyboard.
>Kernel: BenH's vmlinux-2.2.17pre13-ben1
>Problems: couldn't get X cause couldn't get mouse configured.
>Solution found: installed the modules (DUH! I feel stupid over that one),
>and did several other small fixes, as follows:
>RTFM: got the following (and did):
> su
> cd /dev
> rm usbmouse
> rm mouse
> mkdir input
> mknode input/mice c 13 63
> ln -s input/mice mouse
> ln -s input/mice usbmouse
>then did
> mouseconfig
>set it for 1 button usb, emul 3 btn.
>next did
> Xconfiguator
>set it for iMac monitor, 1024x768, all three bit-depths
>Next did
> pico /etc/X11/XF86Config
>went down to the pointer section
> protocol = "IMPS/2"
> device = "/dev/input/mice"
>saved and did
> shutdown -r now
>on reboot, login and did
> startx
>now, it wants to look for mouse in /dev/mouse but that fails to poll on
>startx. However, directly pointing it to /dev/input/mice worked fine. I
>have no clue why; IFM.
>can't figure out which keys are used to emulate btn-2 & btn-3; figure I'll
>get a real 3-btn sooner or later. can run X, do many things with X. time to
>RTFM again, so I can switch from KDE to GNOME... but that will wait.
>am going to do some fiddling about, and see if I can try out goo's kernel
>on another partition.
>William F. Hostman | "Smith & Wesson: THe original Point and Click
>Aramis 0602 C55A364-C S kk+ as+ hi+ dr+ va++(--) so+ zh++ vi+ da++ sy- ge-
> Vilani: uilamaanamti sirohbrankilin
>IMTU 1.0: tc tm++ tn- t4-- tt+ to- tg-- ru+ ge 3i+ c+ jt-() au+ st- ls
>pi+() ta+ he+(-) kk+ as+ hi+ dr+ va++(--) so+ zh++ vi+ da++ sy- ge- pi+

Michael A. Peters--

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